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writeALONG! 21 May


hosts: Muskaan Ahuja, K.Ramesh

guest editor: Milan Rajkumar

Please note: 

Only the unpublished poems (that are never published on any social media platform/journals/anthologies) posted here for each prompt will be considered for Triveni Haikai India's monthly journal -- haikuKATHA, each month.

Poets are requested to post poems (haiku/senryu) that adhere to the prompts/exercises given.

Only 1 poem to be posted in 24 hours. Total 2 poems per poet are allowed each week (numbered 1,2). So, revise your poems till 'words obey your call'.

If a poet wants feedback, then the poet must mention 'feedback welcome' below each poem that is being posted.

Responses are usually a mixture of grain and chaff. The poet has to be discerning about what to take for the final version of the poem or the unedited version will be picked up for the journal.

The final version should be on top of the original version for selection.

Poetry is a serious business. Give you best attempt to feature in haikuKATHA !!


In the month of May this year, the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima, also known as Budha Jayanti, Buddha's Birthday, or Vesak, falls. People around the world celebrate the birth of Buddha in various unique ways. The significance of this day lies in its commemoration of three important events in Buddha's life: his birth, his attainment of supreme wisdom or enlightenment (Nirvana), and his complete liberation from self (Parinirvana), all of which occurred on the same full moon day.

As Buddhism spread beyond India, it assimilated into different foreign cultures, resulting in diverse celebrations of Vesak worldwide. In India, the day of 'Vaishakh' Purnima is traditionally recognized as Buddha Jayanti, marking Buddha's birth.

flower garden—

Buddha and I

smile together

— Pravat Kumar Padhy

Let us also commemorate this occasion by writing haiku that pay tribute to Buddha Purnima or embody the essence of Buddhist philosophy, just as the zen masters did!


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