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writeALONG! 18 June


hosts: Muskaan Ahuja, K.Ramesh

guest editor: Nandita Mahajan

Only the unpublished poems (that are never published on any social media platform/journals/anthologies) posted here for each prompt will be considered for Triveni Haikai India's monthly journal -- haikuKATHA, each month.

Poets are requested to post poems (haiku/senryu) that adhere to the prompts/exercises given.

Only 1 poem to be posted in 24 hours. Total 2 poems per poet are allowed each week (numbered 1,2). So, revise your poems till 'words obey your call'.

If a poet wants feedback, then the poet must mention 'feedback welcome' below each poem that is being posted.

Responses are usually a mixture of grain and chaff. The poet has to be discerning about what to take for the final version of the poem or the unedited version will be picked up for the journal.

The final version should be on top of the original version for selection.

Poetry is a serious business. Give you best attempt to feature in haikuKATHA !!


'Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours;

Let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.’


Colours have the power to affect our soul. They can instil many emotions in us, evoke many memories, and impact us in multiple ways.


the tube of cadmium yellow

squeezed flat

autumn dusk

a leaf falls into

the sound of grey


— Laryalee Fraser


As you read these haiku, what passes through your mind?

What do you see?

What do you feel?

What do you want to do?


I invite you to write a ku that incorporates colour. Choose any colour from White, any colour of the rainbow, or even Black. Mix any colours to make your own and write a ku incorporating it.



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