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triveni spotlight: 11 november

triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh GUEST EDITOR: Paul Miller (paul m.)

a swan

flies over the pond

bones whistling

--- Brad Bennett

A Drop of Pond (2016)

Note by the Guest Editor:

These poems have been pulled from my ever-growing document of favorite haiku.

Some I have admired for years, while others I have newly discovered. This is the

joy of poetry, as of life: its ever-changing course of discovery. I encourage all

readers of poetry to keep such a file. As far as has been possible, I have obtained

permission from the writers to share them.

– Paul Miller (paul m.)

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5 comentários

lynne jambor
lynne jambor
13 de nov. de 2022

I looked up bone whistles - whistles, human, animal, cultural importance ...etc. The bones of birds are very thin and light weight. Quote "avian respiratory system consists of hollow bones with air cavities called pneumatic bones" so I am starting to see the physical connections. the emotional connnections of wind through birds' feathers as they fly seem harder to recognize a the moment imo.


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
11 de nov. de 2022

Interesting poem. L3 foxed me too. Waiting for someone to explain this line in connection with Ls 1 & 2. _()_

Angiola Inglese
Angiola Inglese
11 de nov. de 2022
Respondendo a

I thought about this too, but also about the bones of the writer who creak a bit due to the arrival of cold


lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
11 de nov. de 2022

Wondering about L 3, 'bones whistling'. Just googled and found in detail. But, if it is explained here, Thank you.

Why bone whistling and not any ordinary whistle?

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