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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 7th May


Updated: May 11, 2023

hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Kashiana Singh

Year of the Rabbit the children of children we didn’t have

----Robert Epstein

( Modern Haiku, 40.2, Autumn 2015 )


May 10, 2023

What works for me in this poem is its understated sadness ... which is so hard to achieve.

Here is the backstory as told by Robert Epstein.

"As for my recollections regarding the poem's origins,

I don't have vivid or concrete information to share with you.

What I can say is that, some significant life decisions--

like having a child/children or not--reverberate throughout one's life.

Back in 2015, when I learned that the Chinese were celebrating

the Year of the Rabbit, I found myself missing the grandchild or grandchildren

I might have had if I had had a child or two. This was not regret,

but simply an acknowledgment of a transient feeling. Hence, the poem.

I don't know…

Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
May 11, 2023
Replying to

Most poignant. Thanks, Robert and Sanjuktaa.


I'm sorry but I didn't understand this. But that's okay, not everyone understands everything.


mona bedi
mona bedi
May 08, 2023

Yes indeed!! Speaks volumes.


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
May 07, 2023

The SELECTION list for haikuKATHA - issue 19 is up!!


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
May 07, 2023

Most poignant. So much emotion without telling too much.

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