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Aparna Pathak

open sky :: SAMVAAD | 2nd June

hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak


the part of her I see

the part of her I sense

-- Alan S. Bridges

( The Heron's Nest XXII, March 2022)

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06. Juni

The poet has shared this with us.

I was inspired to write this based upon that ethereal time between light and dark, when we begin to lose our visual acumen and shift toward senses of touch, smell, taste and hearing. Perhaps at this transition time the latter are heightened, which I was hoping to show in this haiku.

Last evening I was in a blooming apple orchard at dusk and almost imperceptibly one could more sensorily take in tbe wonder of our surroundings— the scent of the blossoms combined with the eeriness of the trees descent into darkness.

In this particular haiku, there was possibly the presence of a woman, with a sort of tension between the seen and the…

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Thank you very much Sanjuktaa ,With this clarification I loved her even more🤩

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The twilight could be of a married couple or it could be of the poet's parent whose caretaking he has taken up probably due to one or a variety of reasons, old age, debility, disease.

He can see her physically but there are also some parts of her he can sense, may be physically, may be mentally and emotionally. This portrays her graceful ageing which the poet both understands, appreciates and also sympathizes and empathizes. Such subtlety in the last two lines.

Last words of the last two lines:




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Into my book of favourites with this one.

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mona bedi
mona bedi
02. Juni

Beautiful! We sense more than the eye can see!

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neena singh
neena singh
02. Juni

So good…great choice!

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