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Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
May 17, 2023

Nice choice, Sanjuktaa. Congrats, Reshma. Very nicely done. <> <>


the struggle to get a lily to stay in water after all Roadrunner: issue X:3

It was Scott’s Favorites from 2010, where he begins the commentary with this para: It seems we’re finally starting to see connections, relationships, and nods to our own English-language haiku literature, done with depth, artistry, and heart instead of the emptiness and transparency of a bad joke or pun (or an attempt at connecting to an ancient haiku/hokku which more often than not simplistically comes across as tired, formulaic, and/or over-used).

Here, at least for this reader, the allusion points to Nick Virgilio’s lionized lily . . . out of the water, out of itself Ramesh’s…


May 17, 2023

In my haiku journey I've come across quite a few haiku inspired by Nick Virgilio's well-known one; but I thought this one stood out because of its slightly different and riveting approach.

Here is what Rashmi had to say:

Insecurities,diffidence and constraints nurtured by negativity keep many of us chained to ourselves.Many of us continue to dwell in ourselves through our entire lifetime.However there sometimes occurs a reawakening through a touch of confidence or through intense introspection or self activism or through the efforts of a counsellor leading one outside of the barriers of the mind.


This is very good, and a well-deserved win. It's unlayered in its simplicity, and yet has the depth and karumi that makes for a well-seasoned haiku.


mona bedi
mona bedi
May 14, 2023



Robert Kingston
May 14, 2023

Very nice, Rashmi. Took me again, on a journey through the eyes of Nick Virgilio.

after the bell

within the silence

within myself


out of the water

out of itself

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