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open sky :: SAMVAAD/ 16th February


hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak

winter stormwatch

six to nine inches more

of meditation

-- Sondra Byrnes

( Cattails #May 2014)

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6 hours ago

Thank you so much everybody for your wonderful responses. I already loved this poem, but you helped me understand and appreciate it better. Keep watching this space.


mona bedi
mona bedi
16 hours ago

A beautiful ku no doubt. I feel that the poet is still a novice to meditation. Just being conscious of her surroundings in itself can be a mindful practice. Or maybe the storm is inside her…. daring to bare its teeth.


Sondra Byrnes
a day ago

Thank you for such thoughtful comments.


There's some alliteration with the w and m sounds.

How long did this storm last? Did the meditation last only until the storm lasted? Just watching the snow fall, could be equivalent to meditating as the poet's mind is completely set on that one occurence. Also, there has now been that much more experience with meditation for the speaker in the poem.


a day ago

If I may, being a novice in this field, pen down my thoughts.... The ku at first reading is an absolute beauty. In the second reading, I felt as if it's about taking refuge in meditation, which may not be a proper meditation, but just an attempt at being calm when there's a metaphorical storm. As I do this, shutting myself off from all disturbances sometimes, I found it quite relatable. Thanks for featuring this.

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