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learning: Haiku in Indian Languages - Sanskrit

Writer's picture: Kala RameshKala Ramesh

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

HAIKU IN SANSKRIT editor: Vandana Parashar Sanskrit is an old Indo-Aryan language. As one of the oldest documented members of the Indo-European family of languages, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.It is related to Greek and Latin, as well as Hittite, Luwian, Old Avestan and many other living and extinct languages with historical significance to Europe, West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia. It traces its linguistic ancestry to the Proto-Indo-Aryan, Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European languages.

Sanskrit is also one of the liturgical languages of Hinduism and the predominant language of most works of Hindu philosophy as well as some of the principal texts of Buddhism and Jainism.

The body of Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of philosophical and religious texts, as well as poetry, music, drama, scientific, technical and other texts.

Harshadev Madhav (born 20 October, 1954) is credited with introducing Japanese haiku and tanka, and Korean sijo, into Sanskrit poetry. He is a Sanskrit and Gujarati language poet and writer who won the Sahitya Akademi Award for Sanskrit in 2006 for his work of poetry, Tava Sparshe Sparshe.

Some of his haiku translated by himself and Priya Narayan are:




in the dust bin

with discarded cups

a child-labourer's dreams


कठोरे वृक्षे

स्निग्धाङ्गः कृकलासः

सरागो वृष्ट्याम्।

hard tree branch

a soft-bodied chameleon

red and lustrous in the rain



पिण्डदानं करिष्ये


shraddh fortnight

I shall offer oblations

to dead trees


श्मशाने श्वानो

युध्यन्ते लड्डुकार्थं,

प्रदीप्ता चिता।


dogs fight for rice balls

around a corpse on fire



व्योम्नि तारक:' -एष

परिचयो मे।

an unknown star

in the sky - it is

my introduction



priti aisola
priti aisola
Aug 30, 2021

Thank you for sharing this!


samir satam
samir satam
Aug 30, 2021

Wow! This was such an amazing read...

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