haikuKATHA unfolding the story within a monthly journal from Triveni Haikai India
Issue 41 22 March 2025 founder and managing editor: Kala Ramesh associate editors: Ashish Narain
Firdaus Parvez Priti Aisola
Sanjuktaa Asopa Shalini Pattabiraman Suraja Menon Roychowdhury Vandana Parashar Vidya Shankar web editor: Ravi Kiran proofreader: Sushama Kapur
cover art: Milind Mulick
Please post your feedback about the poems and the overall experience on this thread.
Hearty congratulations to all the poets featured in our Forty first ISSUE!
Here's wishing haikuKATHA goes from strength to strength each month!
ISSUE 41 is now LIVE!!
Earlier in the year, associate editors K. Ramesh, Shobhana Kumar, Madhuri Pillai, Akila G., Reid Hepworth, and Hemapriya Chellappan stepped down for personal reasons. A huge thank you to all six excellent editors. We wish them the very best.
Another fantastic issue! Thank you to the whole editorial team. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into producing such a quality issue and I'm honoured and delighted to have my words included.
Thank you so much for another wonderful issue, always delighted to be included amongst such a talented array of writers.
Dear Kala and the editorial team,
Thanks a lot for selecting my commentary for publication, and am delighted to find my haiku selected too!!
However, the last line in the commentary got mixed up I think.
The last line in my commentary was as under:
“Wonderfully crafted tanka and theme according to me.”
It got published as under:
“Wonderfully crafted tanka and for your excellent choice of theme, in my opinion.”
As you can see, the meaning of the last line as published is unclear. Is it possible to change it now?
Thank you in advance!
Hearty congratulations to all the poets! Kudos to all those working behind the curtains and their unceasing efforts to bring out the issue so…
Thank you and looking forward to reading it!