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learning: Haiku in Indian Languages - English

Writer's picture: Kala RameshKala Ramesh

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

English - language Haiku — Compiled by Lakshmi Iyer and Kala Ramesh

English-language haiku has to be included too, for it’s our link language and we have many poets writing in English, who are known and respected outside India. A majority of the haiku submitted were published in reputed haiku journals.

Thanks to Lakshmi Iyer for collating the present English-language Haiku poets, in addition to our original list of 43 – we now have 114 haijin in India in total and our family is growing rapidly!


a tulasi plant

on the gypsy’s head

A. Thiagarajan, Mumbai The Heron’s Nest, March 2013

still water ...

a zebra runs away

from itself

Aditya Ashribad, Orissa Cattails 1 Youth Corner, January 2014

subjunctive occasions Gita’s thickness

Aditya Behl, Delhi Bones 3, December 2013

hide and seek

someone’s warm palms

on my closed eyes

Ajaya Mahala, Pune Mainichi Daily News, January 03, 2014

stranded bike

a sparrow looks at its face

in the mirror

Aju Mukhopadhyay, Pondicherry

class test …

filling in the blanks

in a star’s life cycle

Akila G., Hyderabad Sonic Boom

business district

I keep a lookout

for wildflowers

Alaka Yeravadekar, Pune

Hedgerow #132

little ballerina

on her dress —


Aanchal Broca, Gurgaon Creatrix Poetry and Haiku Journal #39

a bindi

on my mom's forehead ...

morning sun

Aashna Goyal, Punjab

scars …

the tide marks

its boundary

Ashish Narain, Delhi Modern Haiku 49:3

planetarium ...

one by one

his teeth shine

Aparna Pathak, Gurugram

Honourable Mention: Sharpening the Green Pencil Contest

after harvest

the farm's set in fire ...

smell of charred sugarcane

Arunachalashiva, Chennai

rumors of war

up into a darkening sky

—a child’s newsprint kite

Angelee Deodhar, Chandigarh Third Prize, The Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Award for 2003

ancient banyan ...

an owl shakes the night

off its feathers

Anitha Varma, Kerala

drifting stars ...

a wish list flutters

in the breeze

Arvinder Kaur, Chandigarh Mainichi Daily News, Sept 2013

sidewalk café

I smell the city

in my coffee

Bhavani Ramesh, Mumbai Chrysanthemums, April 2008

brisk morning walk -

the roadside banyan

ageing gracefully

Bidyutprabha Gantayat, Bhubaneswar

no place to go

the urban dreams

of banyan roots

Dr Brijesh Raj, Mumbai World Haiku Review, Jan 2017

wildfire -

the lives within


Deboshruti, Varanasi

evening rain ...

shadows huddle

in corners

Firdaus Parvez, Aligarh

the rustle

of fallen leaves -

forest music

Gauri Dixit, Pune

Under the Basho, June 2020

mountain lake

each splash from the oar

shakes the moon

Geethanjali Rajan, Chennai World Haiku Review, August 2010

spring predawn—

the janitor sweeps

the night away

Gowtham Ganni, Hyderabad

The Herons Nest Volume XX, Number 2: June 2018

incessant rains

small talk

dries up

Hemapriya Chellappan, Pune The Heron's Nest, Vol. XXI, No.4: December 2019

rainy morning ...

the wife showering abuses

on her husband

Hema Ravi, Chennai Frogpond, # 36.3

Women’s Day

she applies makeup

to her bruise

Indra Neil Mekala, Hyderabad Second Prize: 8th Polish International Haiku Competition, 2018

family album ...

pressed beneath my fingers

someone’s smile

Ishaan Singh Sarna, New Delhi Chrysanthemum #28, Fall Issue

hospice care -

the fading rhythm

of rain outside

Iqra Raza, New Delhi

long days of rain -

the gurgle of frogs ripens

the little rice field

Janak Sapkota, Switzerland Winner, Smurfit Samhain International Haiku Prize, Ireland, 2006

overnight rain ...

all the leaves carry

an impression

Jayashree Maniyil, Australia Creatrix Journal, Dec 2013

monsoon sky

the white cow

chews a milk carton

Johannes Manjrekar, Vadodara Haijinx Vol. II Issue 1, 2002

winter moonlight

everything the same colour

since you left

Jesal Mallia Kanani, Mumbai

liquid twilight the tilt of a water pot on her hip

Kala Ramesh, Pune

Frogpond 31:3 Autumn 2008

deafening rain—

to think it has no sound

of its own

Kashinath Karmakar, Durgapur 3rd place:18th Kusamakura International Haiku Contest 2013

white lotus

floating in a vessel -

empty mind

Kashiana Singh, USA Narrow Road Journal - Aug 2020

end of summer

colours fade away

with the butterflies

Kavya Kavuri, Pune A Hundred Gourds 2.4, September 2013

autumn morning —

my shadow now has

a slight hunch

Kumarendra Mallick, Hyderabad Honourable Mention, World Haiku Review September 2009

can't show

my golden teeth ...

surgical mask

Kamrun Nahar, Bangladesh

Under the Basho, 2020

cold day ...

sound of clipping nails

from next room

Kanchan Chatterjee, Jamshedpur

isolation ward –

I count

the remaining leaves

Kakul Gupta, New Delhi

jamun tree—

a splash of purple

on my new white kurti

Kalyanee Rajan, New Delhi Under the Basho, 2017

colourful floaters

bob in the blue waters

… every time I blink

Karkuzhali Sreedhar, Chennai

coffee break—

stirring a whirlpool

of thoughts

Kausik KSK, Hyderabad Under the Basho, 2019

starry night ...

the empty rocking chair

casts a shadow

Kavitha Sreeraj, Hyderabad

postal stamps –

the zig-zag edges

of our marriage

Kinshuk Gupta, New Delhi Modern Haiku

silent sun

girl child collects her ruined

books after the flood

Lakshay Gandotra, Jammu Third Prize: 23rd Kusamakura International Haiku Competition.

first winter

a flame Robin

sings in its territory

Lakshmi Iyer, Trivandrum High Commendation—Winter Haiku, Australian Haiku Society

pebble beach

i count the countless

unsaid words

Mallika Chari, Wardha Frogpond, Spring/Summer Issue 2020


an ink blot where i paused

before writing the truth

Manoj Nair, Bangalore

The Heron's Nest: Vol XX1,No2, June 2019

first flower ...

the lawnmower makes

a u-turn

Milan Rajkumar, Imphal

Haiku Dialogue: August 5, 2020

brave mirror

doesn’t distort truth

looks me in the eye

Minal Sarosh, Ahmedabad

World Haiku Review, August 2011

temple bell -

the mellowed song

of the cicada

Monalisha Gogoi ,Assam

ESUJ-H English Haiku September 2019

temple visit

ants on the wall

returning with prasad

Muskaan Ahuja, Chandigarh

Wales Haiku Journal, Spring Issue 2020

monsoon showers

all night long

the bitterness of neem

Nandita Jain Mahajan, Gurgaon

The Heron’s Nest: Volume XXI, Number 4: December 2019

my baby’s heartbeat

next to mine

the rhythm for our lullaby

Nandini Nair, Pune, India, First place, Indian Kukai #01, September 2013

on a long way

with me in the dark night

these fireflies

Neelam Dadhwal, Chandigarh cattails: January 2014

go slow signal

a yellow leaf lands

on my palm

Niranjan Navalgund, Belagavi Cattails, 2015

crawling through the weight baby snail

Neena Singh, Chandigarh Under the Basho, 2020

gentle rain

even on the graves

with no flowers

Neha R. Krishna, Mumbai Winner, Weighing Raindrops, 2020

morning rush -

my pressure cooker whistles

the suprabhatam*

Padma Srinivasan, Scotland

*suprabhatam: verses sung in South Indian temples to wake up the Gods every morning.

the width of this night milky way

Pragya Vishnoi, Kanpur Honourable Mention, UHTS 'AHA' Haiku Contest 2019

gleaming knife ...

edge sharper than

moon scars

Prathama Rajeevalochan, Bangalore Modern Haiku Section, Under the Basho

incessant rain ...

the smell of coriander

getting drenched

Paresh Tiwari, Hyderabad Haiku of Merit, World Haiku Review, Summer 2013

cold winter morning

the pigeons coo

for more closeness

Poornima Laxmeshwar, Bangalore World Haiku Review, Jan 2014

winter morning

two butterflies

warm the garden

Pravat Kumar Padhy, Odisha The Heron’s Nest, Vol XIII, No. 2, June 2011

custard apple …

the squirrel crafts

a bowl

Priti Aisola, Hyderabad Under the Basho, 17 June 2020


meeting mother

after a hostel year

Priya Narayanan, Ahmedabad


rainbows on petal


R. Purushotham Rao, USA

autumn sky

patches of twilight

in the falling leaf

Ramesh Anand, Bangalore A Hundred Gourds 1.2 March 2012

sunset ...

someone’s tent peg

on the cliff

K. Ramesh, Chennai Presence #41

winter rain—

water droplets cascade

over the leaves

Ritaj Kalaskar, Pondicherry Cattails 1, January 2014

seat belt

for the teddy bear too

the child’s first flight

R. K. Sameer, Karnataka Kernelonline, summer 2013


the last red apple

now I feel the cold

Rohini Gupta, Mumba Mainichi Daily News, 20 Feb 2013

mother tongue

I look back

to see the face

Rajeshwari Srinivasan, Mumbai Under the Basho, September 2020

Just now

heart transplantation

his last breath

Radhamani Sharma, Chennai Failed Haiku, 2019

camellia in snow

taking back my words


Richa Sharma, Uttar Pradesh Poetry Pea Podcast, September 2019

a crack

in the concrete box

prisoner’s sky

Rashmi VeSa, Bengaluru tinywords: issue 20.1

spring solitude ...

an alien girl feeds

the sparrows

Sandip Chauhan, USA, Mainichi Daily News, May 2013


that have begun to heal ...

purple asters

Sanjuktaa Asopa, Belgaum Daily Haiku Cycle 16, December 2013

child a rupee short ...

the ice cream vendor

turns the corner

Seshu Chamarty, Hyderabad Boloji, January 2014

on wet earth

a snail draws a fine line

– a travelogue

Shernaz Wadia, Pune Muse India, May-June 2011

cracked pot —

water seeps back

into the earth

Shobhana Kumar, Coimbatore

fallen leaves —

the wind sweeps

our courtyard

Shloka Shankar, Karnataka

temple bell:

thinking of God

in the midst of yoga

S. B. Vadivelu Rajan, Chennai Mainichi Shimbun, January, 2010

dusting of dew –

a road-sweeper scrapes

the night away

Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy, UK Blithe Spirit, Issue 24.3, August 2014


I wait for the cool wind

to go first

Suhit Kelkar, Mumbai A Hundred Gourds 2.4 September 2013

lonely road

she walks with me

wagging her tail

Surbhi Grover, India Cattails 1, January 2014

bustling street ...

from a graveyard

the smell of roses

Swaran Singh Nijhar, India Cattails 1, January 2014

the sharp ends

of her eye liner

midnight row

Saf Toral, UK

split sky -

the world painted

in two shades

Shalini Pattabiraman, Scotland

The Haiku Foundation Sep 2. 2020

silent world...

he asks what he

sounds like

Shreya Narang, Abohar cattails Youth Corner 2018

raag malhar—

on torrential drum beats

window plays the flute

Smeetha Bhoumik, Mumbai

empty space ...

my ring finger again

shines with a diamond

Sonal Srinivasan, Mumbai Under the Basho, 2017

voice of the cave

sea conched

in silence

Sindhoor Varkoor, Hyderabad

the touch before we part mimosa leaf

Sreelatha Nair, Chennai. tinywords: 16.2

suicide point—

the valley lies in

the fog below

Srinivas.S, Rishi Valley Presence, Issue 65

gibbous moon

the pond's captive -

swims with fishes

Subir Ningthouja, Manipur

sunny afternoon

a shadow

on the mammogram

Suraja Menon Roychowdury, USA

Grand Prize Winner 2016 Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award

daybreak –

I still see the moon

in her eyes

—Surashree Joshi, Pune

The Haiku Foundation, Haiku Dialogue

mom's broken bangles

make a full circle


Suresh Babu, Chikkamagalur

Under the Basho 2019

a pause

before the downpour -

the fries sizzle

Sushama Kapur, Pune

The Haiku Foundation: Haiku Dialogue, September 2020

slicing a pumpkin

mother talks of my sister


Srinivasa Rao Sambangi, Hyderabad Wales Haiku Journal, Autumn 2019


outside the temple

inside the temple

Tapan Mozumdar, Bengaluru

you and me

together yet apart

beads of a rosary

Teji Sethi, Bangalore Under The Basho, July 2020

midnight showers ...

I greet a jewelled world

at dawn

Ustat Sethi, Bangalore Tejas AwardCattails 2019, April Edition

dead worm

moving towards an ant-hill

— recycling

Umesh Nair, Delhi

freedom at last …

colour of the butterfly

on my fingers

Vadivelrajan Balakrishnan, Chennai

claps of thunder -

the twins kick

in my womb

Vani Sathyanarayan, Bangalore 3rd place, 11th Indian Kukai, May 2015

strong winds

not every leaf waits

for the fall to fall

Vandana Parashar, Panchkula

a caravan arrives

at my threshold

my own footfalls

Vidur Jyoti, Delhi

ink puddle —

the words that

never were

Vinay Leo R, Bangalore Shiki Kukai, 1st prize, November 2013

twilight skies —

nightfall on the edge

of a bat's wing

Vidya S Venkatramani, Chennai Under the Basho, 2020


i resemble the corpse

i will be

Vijay Prasad, Patna Failed Haiku, Issue-4


helping mother take

baby steps

Yesha Shah, Surat Polish International Haiku Contest 2013 - Commendation

a cobweb

in the misty branches ...

fairy hammock

Yugaputhiran, Chennai


2 תגובות

Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
30 באוג׳ 2021

It's all uploaded. If your poem isn't here, please post it in the comment box and I'll add it to this list. Do you all like this post? I see 47 'views' but no likes or comments? Even uploading takes so many hours. We lose nothing by appreciating :))))


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
29 באוג׳ 2021

Just uploaded this post. A lot of editing still left. It takes time! This should go in 'learning' but Rohan has not opened the page, so just parking it here!!

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