pic: bhavani
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Triveni Haikai India
haikuKATHA, Issue 41, March 2025 LIST IS HERE!
It's the 8th; we are two days earlier this time, also! Here are the selected poems!
Congratulations to all our poets!
The editorial team thanks you for sharing your poems in the various forums - HAIKUsutradhar, Tanka Take Home, The Haibun Gallery, thinkALONG and haikaiTALKS.
A very huge 'thank you' to all our editors and hosts, who put in so much effort, time, and expertise, month after month, to get haikuKATHA up on time!
Our admiration for Milind Mulick's brilliant watercolour painting.
Thanks to Samir, Ashish, Vandana, Firdaus, Vidya, K. Ramesh and Srinivasa for preparing the haiku, tanka and haibun list, which I've shared here.
Many, many thanks to all the hosts…
Sincere congratulations to all! 🏆
Happy News!
Huge congratulations to all the poets. Thank you for entrusting your best work to us.
The selected haibun in Red Moon Anthology from haikuKATHA nominations!
Congratulations to the four editors of The Haibun Gallery, and our proofreader!
12 pieces have made their way into the anthology!
It was a lot of effort from the editors' side.
Mona Bedi Twisted (haikuKATHA #28
Joanna Ashwell Taking the Long Way Home (haikuKATHA #31)
Shawn Blair Chaos (haikuKATHA #32)
Lorainne Haig Missing (haikuKATHA #32) In his hands (haikuKATHA #35) Sundowning (haikuKATHA #30) Trapped (haikuKATHA #37)
C.X. Turner Beneath a Canopy of Quiet (haikuKATHA #36) Celebrating the Birthday (haikuKATHA #36)
Sandip Chauhan In the Gaps (haikuKATHA #37)
Nalini Shetty An Unlauded Strand (haikuKATHA #38)
haikuKATHA, Issue 40, February 2025 LIST IS HERE!
It's the 8th; we are two days earlier this time! Here are the selected poems!
Congratulations to all our poets!
The editorial team thanks you for sharing your poems in the various forums - HAIKUsutradhar, Tanka Take Home, The Haibun Gallery, thinkALONG and haikaiTALKS. A very huge 'thank you' to all our editors and hosts, who put in so much effort, time, and expertise, month after month, to get haikuKATHA up on time!
Our admiration for Milind Mulick's brilliant watercolour painting.
Thanks to Ashish, Vandana Firdaus, Vidya, K. Ramesh and Srinivasana for preparing the haiku, tanka and haibun list, which I've shared here.
Many, many thanks to all the hosts and…
Dear Writers
Starting from March 2025, we at haikuKATHA are moving on to a new submissions format for haibun submissions.
Writers are invited to submit one unpublished haibun per submission window.
Kindly note the submissions calendar.
1-20 March, to be considered for publication in May
1-20 June, to be considered for publication in August
1-20 September, to be considered for publication in November
1-20 December, to be considered for publication in February
All accepted submissions will receive an email to confirm their acceptance by the 5th day of the
publication month.
Your unpublished haibun should be sent to: https://forms.gle/xUEiiDR9wd2dgqtR9 only during the submission period.
The Haibun Gallery continues as is.
We will be having editors and prompts, and your sharing can go on…