unfolding the story within
founder and managing editor:
Kala Ramesh
associate editors:
Ashish Narain, Firdaus Parvez
Hemapriya Chellappan, Priti Aisola,
Sanjuktaa Asopa, Shalini Pattabiraman,
Suraja Menon Roychowdhury, Vandana Parashar
and Vidya Shankar
haikuKATHA is the official monthly publication brought out by Triveni Haikai India. Its primary function is to publish the best in contemporary English-language haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, tanka-prose and haiga/shahai. At present we are not looking at linked-verses.
Each month’s issue will be put together by a team of editors who will select poems from the previous month’s prompts posted on the Triveni Haikai India website. The journal is copyrighted by Triveni Haikai India.
haikuKATHA goes live on the 22nd of each month.
haikuKATHA considers all of the poems we publish for awards such as The Haiku Foundation's Touchstone Award for Individual Poem, The Pushcart Prize, Red Moon Anthology, The Haiku Reader, and more.
K Ramesh, Akila G., Madhuri Pillai, Shobhana Kumar and Reid Hepworth have stepped down as editors for personal reasons. haikuKATHA wishes them the very best.