triveni haikai india
code of conduct
rules for a closely knit community
website: code of conduct
A warm welcome to each and every one of you. This website is open to all poets who write Japanese short forms of poetry.
TRIVENI Haikai India is the dream child of our founder Kala Ramesh, who, for the last 15 years has tirelessly worked to bring all those interested in haikai and tanka literature together.
Some ground rules to help us maintain decorum and a spirit of togetherness.
There are various features in our blog which might interest you. This needs registration.
After registration, you’ll be able to comment on any feature that interests you.
We expect members to be aware that poems and ideas are intellectual property protected by copyright law. To ‘borrow’ phrases, images, or ideas from poems posted on this blog without giving proper credit fits the definition of plagiarism. We rely on the goodwill and courtesy of all members to respect the ownership of the poems shared in the various threads and to not share them with anyone else without the author’s permission.
Poems or discussion threads that treat controversial topics are acceptable, but condoning violence, racism, homophobia, sexism, or hatred against any group or individual will not be tolerated. Comments must focus on the merits of the poem as a work of literature—or on the topic under discussion—without diverging into irrelevant political opinion or other potentially divisive commentary. TRIVENI Haikai India will not tolerate sexual harassment, flaming, or displays of ego or anger.
Ready to Join?
We welcome new members with a serious interest in haikai and tanka. If you would like to join the TRIVENI Haikai India, please send an email to write@trivenihaikai.in and tell us a little bit about yourself and how you heard about our website. If possible, provide a reference. After reviewing your information, we will send you an email with instructions for activating your account. If you don’t hear from us within 72 hours, please check your SPAM folder before reporting a problem.